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About Family Day Care

Family Day Care provides quality care for children under 13 years of age in the homes of Family Day Care Educators. A Family Day Care service provides care through a network of approved Family Day Care Educators, who are organised and supported by a professional Coordination Team.


A Family Day Care Service can provide a flexible, safe, secure and stimulating home environment for children. Family Day Care Educators provide this service to a small group of children within their own home. A family day care educator must not educate and care for more than 7 children at a family day care residence or approved family day care venue at any one time. No more than 4 can be preschool age or under.


Family Day Care Educators are supported and monitored by a Coordination Unit and are visited on a regular basis by the Coordination Team to assist with providing quality care.


Care Options


Home Based Child Care

Home based child care is care provided from the homes of our selected educators for children aged 0-5years, the ratio for this age group is 1:4. Hours of care vary dependent upon each educator’s service.


Out of school hours care

Out of school hours care if care provided from the homes of our selected educators for children age 5-13 years, the ratio for this age group is 1:7. This is care that is provided to children before and after school hours.


Vacation/occasional care

Vacation/Occasional care is care provided to children from the homes of our selected educators usually during the school holiday period or on an occasional basis.


Evening/overnight/weekend care

Evening/Overnight/Weekend Care is care provided from the home of our educators who choose to work evenings/weekends. Overnight care is for extreme circumstances in which needs approval.


Enrollment Process

Parents attend an enrollment interview facilitated by the Family Day Care Coordination unit or alternatively arrangements can be made for enrollment interview to be conducted at the Educators service, at which they:

  • Complete an enrollment form
  • Complete and sign the agreed hours form;
  • Obtain copies of the required identifications needed from the parents for the child; AND
  • Provide copies of immunization records for the child (Immunization History Statement from Medicare)When there is a vacancy in Family Day Care, the Coordination Unit fills the place as soon as possible. When filling a place the Coordination Unit considers the following factors:
  • priority of access guidelines;
  • date of application;
  • age of the child;
  • days, hours and location of care required;
  • Siblings that may currently attend the service




First Priority : a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect

Second Priority : a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy, the work/training/study test under Section 14 of the ‘A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999’

Third Priority : any other child.


Within these main categories priority should also be given to the following children:

  • children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
  • children in families which include a disabled person
  • children in families which include an individual whose adjusted taxable income doesn’t exceed the lower income threshold of $42,997 for 2014-2015, or who or whose partner are on income support
  • children in families from a non-English speaking background
  • children in socially isolated families
  • children of single parents.
  • A child care service may require a Priority 3 child to vacate a place to make room for a child
    with a higher priority.  They can only do so if you:
  • are notified when your child first entered care that your service follows this policy
  • are given at least 14 days notice of the need for your child to vacate.


Enroll your child today!


Contact us on (02) 9892 3915 or come in and visit us at 3 / 546-556 Woodville Rd, Guildford NSW 2161